God is a Black Woman

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Kiera Collins


Reflections from the Author: This poem explores the meaning of who God is and who God could look like. I believe God could be in any form and looks like everyday people. If Jesus was depicted to be a white man with blue eyes in paintings, even though he was middle eastern, I think it is time we reimagine the whitewashed version of who God is and what God looks like. This poem goes against traditional beliefs that God and the bible look down upon certain identities. Instead, God embodies the different identities that some believe are abnormal or wrong. After all, God is the one who created them in the first place. This poem is a lesson as to not judge thy neighbor as that neighbor and their identity is a reflection of who God is and what God looks like. This poem is not just about acceptance, it is about celebration and the idea that God celebrates the art that has been created in the form of people. Strippers, drag queens, and porn stars are just different ways that bodies are celebrated and appreciated because that is one of the many reasons why God created them.

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Creative Expressions
Author Biography

Kiera Collins, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Kiera Collins is a senior majoring in Social Work. After completing her bachelor’s, Kiera plans on attending UIUC in the MSW program, concentrating in the mental health field. She hopes to work with those who are deaf and/or hard of hearing along with clients who are experiencing disordered eating.