Gentrification’s Effect on Black America

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Abigail McGuire


Gentrification is a well-articulated form of segregation that continues to persist throughout our nation today. It is a norm to see a city or parts of a city get “rejuvenated” and many see the process of new businesses and housing renovation as a good thing, as the negatives are clouded by the colorful success that the blind eye can only see. In this essay, I will offer more of an explanation of gentrification and who/where it specifically affects. Additionally, gentrification has heavy effects on perpetuating racially divisive systems of housing, policing, and education. The lack of humanity that occurs as a result of gentrification needs to be acknowledged and tackled rather than overlooked and written-off. Through my research, I have found that this shift can only happen through changing the terminology used, making legal changes in housing and beyond, and fostering cross-racial dialogue as conversation promotes knowledge, and knowledge incentivizes change.

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